Tropical climate food seeds for the family

It is satisfying to successfully grow herbs, leafy greens, or fruiting vegetables successfully. Children seem to love the tangibility of the process, and it is a great lesson in patience and setting up the right environment for something to succeed. But we often find that the most popular seeds are not ones that grow here. […]

Vermi-composting at home with a worm tower

There are many different ways to compost, from a large pile to a worm farm or tower, from bokayashi scrap burying to chickens. What almost everyone who works in biology agrees on is that the quality of your soil makes a huge different. The food pyramid starts with the microbiology of your soil. When we […]

Breeding ducklings in your backyard

Why breed ducklings? Duck eggs are frankly delicious and very hard to get in Singapore. This is because most of Singapore’s eggs are factory farmed, and ducks become too depressed to lay eggs in a factory farm environment (chickens also get depressed, but can still lay). Ducks lay more eggs than chickens, and the eggs […]